Sunday, 22 March 2009

BLOB 11 Update!

Today, for the first time this year, I worked on (Hero) BLOB 11: BLOB Family Reunion.  It is to be a stage-play which I intend/ hope to put on at Bedlam next year.  I had already written a few pages, but had placed the notebook under my bed at some point, where I did not see it for months.  I am very happy with how things are going as of yet, although I'm still writing the first scene.  It's snappy and quick, and features BLOB, Chilipepperman, the Normalsman family, and many other fine characters, including a new potential love interest for our blobby brother in red.  Now let's just hope Blobton can handle all this action, and I can actually finish writing both it and my Latin essay!!

PS an alternate title for the play is BLOB 11: Return to Blobton.

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