Wednesday, 27 July 2011


Dear BLOBites,
Today was a day of much voice work!! Thanks to the ever-reliable Jonny Brick, producer extraordinaire, I today recorded a reading of Killer Brother: Target Genesis, along with TWO different versions of a trailer for it (available soon online) and an interview!

After that, I made the first version of the trailer for the upcoming Hero BLOB XI: BLOB Family Reunion! And an interview with BLOB and me, Schedel, all about HBXI. It was a wonderful, exhausting, voice-filled day!

So here's the low-down on your soon-to-be favorite radio-plays:

THIS FRIDAY, Killer Brother: Target Genesis will be released, and can be accessed in the evening (GMT) or the early afternoon (Central Standard Time). That's THIS FRIDAY, July 29th! It will be accessible on blastocyst, and there will be an update with a link here on the HeroBlog! Also, check out the (tiny) Killer Brother website!

NEXT WEDNESDAY, I'll be recording Hero BLOB XI, along with my talented voice cast, including Martha McGill, Brett Heasman, and a Special Secret Guest! It will go online some time after, and you can be sure that I'll have a link for it here.

It's an exciting time to like my work, and an exciting time to love BLOB! So listen, enjoy, and have fun!!!!


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